Volunteer Joanna Maskens decided to take on a massive sponsored challenge as a part of her fundraising - cycling from Broadstairs to Land's End. camping as she went. That’s over 400 miles! We’re pretty sure none of the Fundraising Team could manage that!
Going your own way
It can be tempting to think you need to sign up to an existing event, but these often have an entry fee. By setting herself her own personal challenge, Joanna inspired other people to donate towards her fundraising and could plan it all to suit her own timetable. She also widened the net by roping her boyfriend in to the cycle as well. He was then able to get sponsored by his friends and family – raising more money, and giving her some company on the long journey!
Top tips
One of her top tips for volunteers doing a sponsored challenge is to keep updating people throughout. Here are some examples of how she updated her donors as she went along:
“My initial estimate of 350 miles was definitely optimistic; in the end, we'll have ridden well over 400 miles. My legs and joints ache, my skin is sun and wind burnt, I've been wearing my evening clothes as pyjamas and I haven't been able to pluck my eyebrows for over a week (!)... despite all that, it has been one of the most rewarding and exhilarating weeks I've ever had. It's shown me what I'm capable of and given me more confidence in taking on what is sure to be a challenging three months in Zimbabwe." Said Joanna.
Joanna Continues:
“Far more rewarding than the feat of having ridden 400 miles is seeing how much money we've raised. It was really tough at times but what kept us going was the thought of raising money to help get people out of poverty. Every time we saw another donation come in, it raised our spirits to keep pedalling. I am absolutely over the moon to have reached (and exceeded!) my fundraising target of £800. Thank you so, so, so much to everyone who donated and supported us along the way.”
Plan plan plan
Activities like this can be a great way to raise awareness, raise money and challenge yourself, but remember to plan lots of different activities with your fundraising just in case you don’t rake in as much as you’d hoped from sponsorship. Well done Joanna!
And thanks to all our amazing volunteers who smash their targets – we only get to feature two volunteers every fortnight, but we know there are hundreds more of you doing absolutely phenomenal challenges, sales, events and activities every day. Thank you for doing what you do – it means we can do what we do!