DO set up a JustGiving page
Check out our JustGiving guidance for help.
DO have a plan
Having a good plan is the key to success! Think up a minimum of 5 activities, including one big event and a challenge. Focus on how much you could raise, where, when and with who you are going to do each activity. Break it down into smaller chunks rather than focusing on the full target.
DO spread the word about your fundraising and ICS
Fundraising is also about raising awareness, so promote the ICS programme and the ICS partner organisation you’re volunteering with. Whilst you are fundraising for us you are also helping us to spread the word – thank you! Share positive stories about how volunteering on ICS is making having a positive impact!
DO get any necessary permission
Remember you will need to get permission for your public fundraising events, get in touch with your Fundraising Support Officer for more advice.
DO get stuff for free
You shouldn’t have to spend money in order to raise funds, and with your authorisation letter in hand companies will be more likely to help you out with donations or a free venue.
DO thank everyone
If you do this publicly on Facebook, add the link to your page underneath as it will encourage others to donate. It's also good to remind people how much your event has raised and where the funds are going.
And the Don’ts…
DON’T leave it until the last minute
It can take time to get permission for your events so don’t leave it until a week before your deadline!
DON’T go it alone
Get friends and family to volunteer and help organise your activities.
DON’T be afraid to ask
Our volunteers are always surprised by the amount of support they get and where it comes from. If you don’t ask you don’t get!
DON’T wait to talk to your Fundraising Support Officer
Get in touch with us - we’re here to help, so make use of us.
DON’T get stressed
You can’t spell Fundraising without FUN. There’s got to be a reason for that!