Every single ICS placement is different. Whether its because it’s based in a new setting, that you will meet new people, or work on different projects that will challenge you. But the one that’s for sure – is that you won’t quite be the same after it.
Apply now
1. You’ll get to see a whole new place
Whether it’s seeing a new part of your country for the first time or going across the world to a different country – it’s an opportunity to experience a of life different to your own.
2. You'll work on projects that tackle some of the biggest problems of our time
Use your skills to raise awareness of STDs, or get your hands dirty building a roof for a school. Your time will be spent working on projects that change lives.
3. You’ll become part of a new family
That you’ll love and be frustrated by in equal measure, but ultimately be so grateful to be a part of. People to love and look up to.
4. You’ll try new foods
And most likely, try your hand at making them.
5. You’ll appreciate how different domestic life can be.
And realise how many resources go into the creature comforts around us.
6. You'll find that you're good at things you didn’t even know you could do
Like play games with children in your community, make a rug, tend a garden or fix a bike. You'd be surprised at what you will turn your hand to.
7. You'll make friendships that last a lifetime
People on ICS with you, your counterpart, your host family and the people you meet will change your lives in ways big and small.
8. Most importantly you’ll realise that some of the biggest impact you will have, will be outside work
When the kids in your host home are able to finally read that sentence, you’ll know that you’ve made an impact in ways you can’t capture just yet.
9. And you’ll always be looking for your next opportunity to make a difference
The challenge has only just begun.
And whether you continue to volunteer or return to your life before ICS, you’ll know that your life will have changed because of it.
All pictures are from our work supporting livelihoods in Senegal. If you can see yourself as a volunteer. Apply now:
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